Toddler Lesson Plan

Weekly Lesson Plan(Toddler) Week 1: “Welcome to the New Year”

  Circle-Let’s make a list of  M words! -Read “Happy New Year Kai-Lan”-Introduction to Letter M -Read “My first Chinese New Year”-Do we know what holiday is coming up? -Read “The Night Before New Years-Our Friend whose names begin with M -Read “New Year is Here”-Do our friends celebrate New Year? -Read “Happy New Year
Creative ArtsCoffee Filter Fire WorksDecorating New Year HatsDecorating 2025Handprint Happy New YearCreating Confetti
  PM Group ActivityDecorating the Letter MCreating noise makersDecorating 2025 Class Ball DropDecorate StarsPaper Plate New Year Clock
  Whole LanguageWhat colors did we use to decorate for New Year?What is New Year?How do we celebrate New Year?What Year are we in?New Year  in Spanish: Ano Nuevo
  Social StudiesWhat is our favorite New Year color?Who Can do a New Year countdown?Music ClassDo our friends celebrate New Year?-Cooking activity- Apple Juice Toast
  Science/SensoryShaving Cream Letter MHow are the sounds of bells different?Sink or Float: New Year BallExplore with bubblesSmelling scented pinecones
  Dramatic PlayActing As: NewtsPretending to drop as the New Year BallHaving a New Year Party!Acting As: New Year BallPretending to go sledding  
  Math/ManipulativeHow many M’s are in the jar?Ordering bells by sizeNew Year Count Down!Counting Numbers on the clockCounting noise makers
  BlocksBuilding different shapes out of blocksBuilding Letter M with BlocksWho can build the tallest tower?Building our New Year ClockStaking Blocks and knocking them down
  Music/MovementSing “New Year’s Day has Come!Dancing, Jumping and Stomping with bellsNew Year Freeze DanceNew Year paradeDance Party!
  Outdoor LearningSigns of the New Year around HobokenWalk to find the number 2025Neighborhood walkLooking for snowTreasure Hunt for New Year  Items

Weekly Lesson Plan: Toddler “Winter Wonders” Week 2: Winter Wonderland

  Circle-Introduction to Letter N -Read “Snowy Days”-What do we love at Winter? -Read “Let it Snow”-Let’s make a list of N words! -Read “Snowmen at night”-Whose name starts with P? -Read “The Hat”-Read “Penguins”
Creative ArtsDecorate the letter NCreating our winter HatsFree Art: Favorite winter colorsPenguin for the letter NWinter Icicles
  PM Group ActivityCoffee Filter SnowflakesCreating our winter ScarvesDecorating our Winter BootsMarshmallow snowmanN collage
  Whole LanguageWhat words start with the let N?What’s that falling from the sky?It’s Snowing!What do we do in the snow?January’s Cold: what other months are cold?
  Social StudiesHow is snow similar to rain?Where in the world does it snow?  Music Class!Cooking Activity:   Snowy MuffinShow and Tell: Letter N
  Science/SensoryWhat animals start with N?Exploring Snow with a magnifying classMelting SnowSink or Float: Ice CubesColored Winter Wonderland: Food Coloring
  Dramatic PlayPretending to build a snowmanBrr…Get dressed for the ColdActing as: Melting snowmanPretending to Ice-skate“Snowball Throwing”
  Math/ManipulativeHow many N’s are in the jar?Snowball CountingSnowman MatchingWhich Penguin is bigger?Building our class snowman!
  BlocksPlowing cotton balls with blocksBuilding different shapes out of blocksBuilding an iceberg for a PenguinPracticing making P’s with blocksBuild Snow Castles
  Music/MovementPlay: Musical FreezeParachute snowfall!Play: Pass the SnowflakeWaddling Around like a PenguinFalling like a snowflake!
  Outdoor LearningSearch the neighborhood for the letter NGoing on an icy huntSigns of the winter around HobokenDo we see any N’s by school?I spy the letter N!

Weekly Lesson Plan: Toddler“Winter Wonders” Week 3: Harmony Week

  CircleC-Introduction to Letter O -Read “The Story of Martin Luther King Jr”-Let’s make a list of O words!   Read “Whoever We Are”Whose name starts with O? -Read “The Colors of the Rainbow”-Read “Bright Eyes, Brown Skin”
Creative ArtsLDecorate the letter OFriendship portraitLove in any languageO Collage
  PM Group ActivityOHandprint Peace WreathFlags of the worldMulticultural Paper DollsThe Colors of Us Handprint
  Whole LanguageSWhat words start with the let O?What is Peace?Who are our friends and what do they look like?Can we find books whose names begin with O?
  Social StudiesEFamilies are the same; Families are differentMusic Class!Cooking Activity: Friendship SnackShow and Tell: Letter O
  Science/SensoryDWhat animals start with?Shaving Cream Letter OWhat Color will it be: Mixing our favorite color and a friend’s favorite colorWhat does snow feel like?
  Dramatic PlayPretending to cook different cultural foodDress Up as Famous People from Different CountriesActing as: PenguinsDress Up: Our multicultural parade!
  Math/ManipulativeHow many O’s are in the jar?Counting QuarterCounting our friendsPeace Sign Matching
  BlocksPracticing making O’s with blocksBuilding a snowflake with blocks!Building different shapes out of blocksBuilding with our favorite color legos
  Music/Movement“It’s a small world”Play: The Floor is LAVA“Snowy Pokey”Play: Musical Freeze
  Outdoor LearningSearch the neighborhood for the letter OFootprints in the snowI spy the letter O!Signs of the winter around Hoboken

Weekly Lesson Plan: Toddler“Winter Wonders” Week 4: Winter Wonderland

  Circle-Introduction to Letter P -Read One Mitten-What is Winter? -Read The Smallest Snowman-Let’s make a list of P words! -Read The MittenWhose name starts with P? -Read The Hat-Read Snowmen at Night
Creative ArtsDecorate the Letter PCollage snowmenPaper plate winter wreathClass MittenCreating Icicles and Glitter snowflakes
  PM Group ActivityNeckties for Letter of the Week WallGlistening snowflakesCotton IglooFootprints in the snowFinger paint snowmen
  Whole LanguageWhat words start with the let P?What activities can we do in the cold weather?Why does snow melt?Winter: What should I wear?What kind of clothes do we wear in winter?
  Social StudiesWhat are igloos used for?Snowflakes: Where do they come from?Music Class!!-Cooking Activity: Rice Cake snowmenShow and Tell: Letter N /Winter Wonders Yoga Class!
  Science/SensoryWhat animals start with P?Dough SnowmanPainting with Ice CubesShaving Cream SnowmenGrow your own snowflake
  Dramatic PlayPretending to dress in winter clothesWalking in a Winter WonderlandLet’s go Ice skatingPretend to Shovel snowPretend to live in an igloo
  Math/ManipulativeHow many parts does a snowman have?Mitten matchingSnowflake sortingHow can we measure how much snow we have?Mitten on a clothesline-practice numerical order
  BlocksIgloo BuildingBuild a block snow mazeBuild a sled out of legosBuild an ice skating rinkPracticing making P’s with blocks
  Music/MovementPin the carrot on the snowman!“Frosty the snowman”Iceberg hopping!“Five Little Snowballs”“Snowy Pokey”
  Outdoor LearningSearch the neighborhood for the letter P“Snowball” fightFootprints in the snowDo we see any P’s by school?I spy the letter P!

Weekly Lesson Plan: Toddler “Winter Wonders” Week 5: Winter Animals

  Circle-Introduction to Letter Q -Read “5 Little Penguins slipping on the Ice”-Let’s make a list of Q words! -Read “Polar Regions”-What is our favorite winter animals? -Read “Penguins”Whose name starts with Q? -Read “The Hat”-Read “The Mitten”
Creative ArtsDecorate the letter QFurry WalrusPolar Bear maskCreating a Bear CaveQ Collage
  PM Group ActivityCoffee Filter PenguinsCreate a snow RabbitFootprint PenguinsFinger painting Siberian TigersCotton ball snow animals
  Whole LanguageWhat words start with the let Q?Where do animals find food in the winter?When do animals come out of hibernation?What is our favorite winter animal?Are winter animals good pets?
  Social StudiesWhat is hibernation? What animals hibernate?Where is Antarctica? What animals live there?Music Class!– Cooking Activity: Jello Bear TreatsShow and Tell: Letter Q Hibernation Party!(Pajama Day)
  Science/SensoryWhat animals start with Q?Sink or Float: Winter AnimalsShaving Cream Letter QCreating our own IcebergsCan penguins fly?
  Dramatic Play“Going on a Polar Bear Hunt”Acting as: Penguins slipping and slidingCan we walk like penguins: Is it easy or hard?Acting as: Polar Bears hibernatingPretending to go ice fishing!
  Math/ManipulativeHow many Q’s are in the jar?Polar Bear CountingSorting small and big polar bearsWhich Penguin is bigger?Winter Animals practice numerical order
  BlocksBuild a cave for a bearBuilding a Penguin HouseBuild Icebergs with legosBlock MazeFoam Blocks
  Music/Movement“We’re going on a Bear Hunt”Play: Pass the Penguin“5 Little Penguins”“Hop like a Rabbit!”Play: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, Penguin!
  Outdoor LearningSearch the neighborhood for the letter QCan we find winter animals in Hoboken?I spy the letter Q!“Snowball” fightSigns of the winter around Hoboken