Toddler Lesson Plan

Weekly Lesson Plan: Toddler Week 1 “Red, White and Blue”

  Circle-Introduction to Number 13 -Read “The Statue of Liberty”Read “The Pledge of Allegiance”-Read “The White House”-Read “The American Flag”Read: “Red, White and BOOM”
Creative ArtsTissue paper starsFirework blow paintRed, White and Blue collageAmerican Flag CollageThumbprint Flags!
  PM Group ActivityFirework PaintingYankee Doodle Dandy HatsFourth of July firecrackers!Painting with Star cut outsFootprint Firecracker
  Whole LanguageWhy do we celebrate 4th of July?What does patriotic mean?Did we see fireworks?What colors are on the American Flag?Spanish: Red, White and  Blue
  Social StudiesFirecracker PopsiclesCooking: Edible American flagKids Music!Which is our favorite color: Red, White or Blue?Show and Tell: Letter 13/Red, White and Blue
  Science/SensoryRed, White and Blue food coloringIce art: Red, White and BlueShaving cream bag: Red, White and BlueSand play: Creating Fireworks!Fireworks in a jar!
  Dramatic PlayPretend to watch fireworksPretend to have a parade4th of July picnicCook a red, white and blue snackStretching like fireworks!
  Math/ManipulativeStar sorting gameRed, White and Blue Patterns1 to 10 star counting4th of July picture matchingCounting Fireworks!
  BlocksRed and Blue patterns with LegosBuild a flag with playdoughBuild a Jungle PathFireworks with blocksCreating Fireworks!
  Music/Movement“You’re Grand Old Flag”Yankee DoodleColors of our flag“This is July”Sing  and Clap  “Colors in the Flag”
  Outdoor LearningLooking for red, white and blue objectsRed, White and Blue Chalk paintingI spy 13 All AroundRed, White and Blue paradeBaby Parade!

Weekly Lesson Plan: Toddler Week 2 “Fairy Tales”

  Circle-Introduction to Number 14 -Read “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”-Read “Three Little Pigs”Read “Sleeping Beauty”Can we count to  14? -Read “Jack and the Beanstalk”-Read “Cinderella”
Creative ArtsPainting Rapunzel’s towerDecorating  stars, moons and cloudsThree Little Pigs NosesMake Jack and the BeanstalkMaking our own crowns
  PM Group ActivityDecorating Number  14Make apples for Snow WhiteThree Little Pigs HouseBean collageCinderella’s Slipper
  Whole LanguageWhich characters do you like the most?Star in Spanish: estrellaWhere do Pigs live?Are Fairy Tales Real or Make Believe?What are the Characters names in Cinderella?
  Social StudiesWhat Shape is Humpty Dumpty?Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star: All about StarsKids Music!Cooking: Spider CrackersShow and Tell: Letter  14/Your favorite Fairy Tale
  Science/SensoryMarshmallow CastleHumpty Dumpty Egg TestWhat is the difference between Straw, Stick and Brick?Jack’ Magic BeansStardust Jars
  Dramatic PlayPretend to climb up Rapunzel’s HairPretend to be the “Big Bad Wolf”Reenact the “Three Little Pigs”Pretend to climb the beanstalk!Number  14 Hunt
  Math/ManipulativeAll about number  14Which is strongest: brick, straw or sticksThree Bears Chair: Biggest to SmallestHow Tall is Jack’s Beanstalk?Which one is Cinderella’s shoe?
  BlocksBuild a home for CinderellaBuild with sticks, straw and brickStack by  14Make a lego beanstalkBuild a castsle!
  Music/MovementAll Around the CastlePin the Dire on the DragonHumpty Dumpty Egg Relay RaceFind the Jewels“Shoe Hunt”
  Outdoor LearningLooking for number  14Egg Relay!Do we see any  14’s by school?Can we find Goldilocks outside?I spy  14 All Around

Weekly Lesson Plan for July Toddler “Outer Space” Week 3

  Circle-Introduction to Number 15 -Read “Explore The Solar System”-Read “The Moon”Read “The Sun”Can we count to 15? -Read “Stars”-Read “Aliens Love Underpants”
Creative ArtsClass room Sun Activity!Class room Moon Activity!Classroom Planets Activity!Coffee filter Stars!Creating Outer space!
  PM Group ActivityDecorating Number 15Paper Plate Sand SunCoffee Filter glitter MoonsShooting StarsCoffee Filter Planets
  Whole LanguageWhat is the sun? Where is it? What does it do for us?What is the moon? Where is it?How many planets are there?Which planet do we live on?What are stars? Can we see them?
  Social StudiesLooking at a constellation mapWhere is “outer space”Kids Music!Cooking: Space DrinksShow and Tell: Letter 15/Outer Space
  Science/SensoryShaving Cream number 15Marshmallow ConstellationsBlob AliensWhy do stars twinkle?Taste of Outer Space: Gravity
  Dramatic PlayPretend to live on the sunPretend to fly on the moonBe an alien!Monkey around in spacePretend to stargaze
  Math/ManipulativeAll about number 15MOON, MOON, SUNPass the planetHow does Earth move? (circles around the sun)Is 15 even or odd
  BlocksBuild  the sunBuild a spaceshipStack by 15Build the Earth with green and blue legosBuild a telescope
  Music/Movement“Mr. Sun”“5 little Astronauts”“The Planets Zippidy Doo”Classroom “Solar System”“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
  Outdoor LearningLooking for number 15So we see the sun or the moon?Do we see any 15’s by school?Chalk solar systemI spy 15  All Around

Weekly Lesson Plan:Toddler Week 4 “Outer Space”

  Circle-Introduction to Number 16 -Read “Stars”-Read -Read “Aliens Love Underpants”Read “The Sun”Can we count to 16? -Read “Explore The Solar System”-Read “The Moon”
Creative ArtsMy own StarFlying Saucers!Paper Plate AstronautRockets ships!Making our own telescopes!
  PM Group ActivityDecorating Number 16Foot print rockets!Creating weird and crazy aliens!Sun Mask!Moon Mask!
  Whole LanguageWhere is outer space?Does anyone live in outer space?Is the Sun/Moon hot or cold?Could we live on the moon?What so we see with our telescopes?
  Social StudiesMoon DustLiving in SpaceKids Music!Cooking: Astronaut FoodShow and Tell: Letter 15/Outer Space
  Science/SensoryShaving Cream number 16The Class Solar systemCoffee Can GalaxyRocket Launch!Me on the Moon!
  Dramatic PlayDrive the space shuttlePretend to live on the moonPretend to be an astronautPretend to be an alienPretend to live on Mars!
  Math/ManipulativeAll about number 16Outer space Tic-Tac-ToeStar and Moon sortCounting planetsPlanets biggest to smallest
  BlocksBuild the planets with blocksBuild a space ship!Build a telescopeBuild a lego earthStack up to 16!
  Music/Movement16 little aliens flying in space!“The Man on the Moon”Star Light, Star Bright“Climb aboard the Space Ship”“Moon Rock Throw”
  Outdoor LearningLooking for number 16Can we see other planets?Do we see any 16’s by school?Is the sun bright?I spy 16 All Around

Weekly Lesson Plan: Toddler Week 4 “Olympic Sports”

  Circle-Introduction to Number 17 -Read “Alien Olympics”-Read “Winners Never Quit”Read “Froggy Plays Soccer”Read “Freeze Game”-Read “Dukes’s Olympic Feet”
Creative ArtsMaking an Olympic FlagDecorating an Olympic MedalColoring the Olympic RingsOlympic Torch!Creating different sport balls!
  PM Group ActivityCreating the Olympic rings (Paper plates)Creating an American Flag using handprintsSwimming gogglesPainting tennis ballsDecorating Ice Skates
  Whole LanguageWhat are the Olympic games?Which sports do they do in the summer Olympics? Winter?How often do they have the Olympics?What do the flags from other countries look like?What is our favorite sport in the Olympics?
  Social StudiesWhen did the Olympics begin?Learning about the Olympic FlagsKids Music!Cooking: Edible Olympic RingsShow and Tell: Letter 17/Olympic Sport
  Science/SensoryExploring deflated/inflated ballsTextures of a softball, baseball, soccer balls, etcLooking at medal with a magnifying glassMaking medals with playdoughShaving cream medals
  Dramatic PlayPretend to have opening ceremoniesLifting “barbells”“Stuffed Animal Olympics”Pretend to light the torchPretend to have closing ceremonies
  Math/ManipulativeSports balls from smallest to biggestCounting the number of sports in the Olympics1 through 17  ball countingSport sortingSorting medals
  BlocksBuild a torch with blocksBuild Olympic StadiumBuild tennis courts and a swimming poolBuild a flag with legosWho can build the highest tower?
  Music/MovementPretend to March in the OlympicsEgg-a-thon Relay RaceBackwards RaceFrog JumpSports Hide and Seek
  Outdoor LearningRelay races outdoors!Searching for American FlagsJumping like frogs!Playing sports outdoorsI spy number 17